Top 10 M&E Resources You Should Know

There is a growing body of tools, resources and information sites to ensure that your Monitoring and Evaluation practice keeps pace with the industry. Knowing where to find this information is key. There is so much information to draw from across the social sciences research arena, but finding quality, M&E specific tools and resources can be extremely helpful. Use these guides as you start and grow your work. M&E and impact are growing fields and it is important to always keep on learning. Signing up for newsletter and podcasts could also help with ensuring that you stay up to date with the current thinking in what is a rapidly changing space.

#1 USAID’s Data for Impact Project

This is a great set of resources, and a growing project. The resources are categorised according to different work areas which is really helpful to get context-ready support. The site includes indicators, frameworks, and guides on how to use research effectively in M&E practice. If you are looking to work with international NGOs, then this is a great set of resources.

#2 EvalPartners

Evalpartners site is a really rich resource including the Eval SDGs, which links sector specific networks to the SDGs. It includes connection to important global evaluation fora and is an excellent place to find evaluation news, and information on opportunities and events. This is a great place for everything from news to networking and contains a wealth of useful information on how to apply your work to the SDGs.

#3 Betterevaluation

Betterevaluation is excellent for helping practitioners understand well which research methodologies to use, and it includes important frameworks for designing your M&E practice. This is the most comprehensive site on the nuts and bolts of M&E and is always a go-to resources at programme design stage. These resources cater for all practitioners and is a great place to start if you are only starting out in M&E. They way the information is laid out helps to understand the full M&E landscape. This site also has a full list of M&E Associations across the globe. Sign up and register to these associations for ongoing updates and perspectives from different geographies

#4 Measure Evaluation

Measure Evaluation includes some highly specific guides for programme types in specific regions. This is a great source to draw from is you are looking for region specific information, even if programme types might differ. You can also draw from these examples as you design your own M&E project. This site includes a great collection of webinars as well as toolkits, and excellent research outputs.

#5 The Impact Investing Institute’s Resource Section

The Rockefeller Foundations Impact Investing Handbook is one of the most useful resources for Impact Measurement and Monitoring. This site includes a range of high-quality resources including this one, and is a great space to really take the nest steps on your learning journey in M&E practice. The site provides a balanced view of the potential of impact and will ensure that you are mindful of the most cutting edge thinking in the sector.

#6 The Global Impact Investing Network (The GIIN)

If you are looking to expand your practice into impact investing, then the GIIN is a great resource. It includes a wealth of information on impact investing including links to networks, and to iris, a database of global bets practice indicators and how to use them. It has links to research and includes a number of case studies which could enable you to enrich the design of your own work.

#7 SoPact

SoPact offers a paid digital set of tools to help you in your M&E career, but more than this, it is a great source for definitions, and includes a set of videos on key M&E issues to assist you in your work. This includes how to design important M&E tools and frameworks, and when to use different types of data. SoPact is a growing organisation which is always a good go to for bite-size info, quick refreshers and beginner technical guides.

#8 The Social Impact Navigator

The social Impact Navigator is not a compendium of different resources, so much as a really comprehensive, step-by-step guide to conduct impact measurement. It is a great resource in itself which will enable you to follow a clear process and understand each step well as you are undertaking it. This detailed ‘how to’ guide includes templates, definitions and a takes you on a full journey of M&E practice.

#9 3ie’s Evidence Hub

This is a resource for advanced practitioners looking to understand the nexus between social research, and impact evaluation. There is a great link to a range of free online publications. Consulting existing research is key to design good M&E work and accessing research can be a costly exercise. Try the sector based ‘evidence map’ functionality and map the evidence around where you are working to help guide your strategy.

#10 The Global Evaluation Initiative

The GEI is a global network of evaluation practitioners and hosted the gLOCAL initiative amongst others. If you are interested in building your network globally, follow the GEI initiatives, and attend some online events.  Take some time to visit their blogs, news stories, publications and sign up for the newsletter. The Future is in Evidence: Dialogue Series is a fascinating and insightful set of interviews which will provide you with endless learning.


About Angela Biden

Angela Biden is a consulting strategist and M&E consultant. She has worked across a range of development, and business contexts. She holds a Masters in Economics and Philosophy, and has worked in the nexus of M&E and social impact; to help those doing good do more of it; for some 15 years. From policy board rooms, to Tech start-ups, to grass roots NGOs working in the face of the world’s most abject challenges; Angela is focused on conducting relevant and meaningful M&E: fit for purpose, realistic, and useful for stakeholders creating positive change.
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