Monitoring and Evaluation Tools for NGOs

If you are running a mission driven organisation, with a range of funders, having the right tools to monitor your organisation will ensure that your process management is accurate and effective, and that you can show precisely how the work of your team creates the impacts you are able to measure and report on. NGOs require not only M&E tools, but also project management tools, budgeting tools and a range of others.

Better Evaluation

Better Evaluation is a great place for NGOs to begin their M&E journey. Not only does the website maintain detailed information on types of M&E methods and systems, but it contains a range of detailed tools and guides on how to develop an M&E system, end-to-end. One great resource is a list of processes to help NGOs develop their programme theory. Getting the context of your M&E right from the very stating point of a well-defined theory of change is key, and this website includes a range of tools and links for NGOs to use.

Bond’s Impact Builder

Another source, which is so much more than a single tool is Bond’s Impact Builder. The impact builder is the result of a collaborative effort to design and develop a repository of tools and information which have been proven to be effective. For NGOs looking to implement expert-developed tools, but without the resources for employing experts – this is a great place to gain key learning around methods, tools and processes.


NCVO is a collaborative knowledge platform for charities and social impact organisations. Within this e-learning platforms are useful guides on How to build a Theory of Change, or How to Develop a Monitoring and Evaluation Framework. Within these sources there are a number of links to tools and frameworks, and reviews of carious digital tools, with inspiration on how you use them.


If you have visited the sites, and researched your articles and the tools you’ll need, and you’re looking for a digital tool to help you manage the information, the LogAlto might be the solution you’re looking for. LogAlto is arguably one of the most advanced softwares for the purpose of M&E. It is Collaborative, and web-based, and is highly engaging for teams, especially those working in diverse and far-flung settings. The tool is highly customisable, and user friendly and for sensitive information the tool offers complete security of data and information.


For a powerful process evaluation software Dev Results is a highly advanced offering, able to incorporate substantial complexity in implementation. This is an important management tool and allows for collaboration and sharing. It contains a user-friendly financial management tool and has functionality to manage teams through various levels of permission. All data appears is an appealing dashboard view, and the tool enables precise monitoring of activities, in different locations, of different types, and from different teams.

About Angela Biden

Angela Biden is a consulting strategist and M&E consultant. She has worked across a range of development, and business contexts. She holds a Masters in Economics and Philosophy, and has worked in the nexus of M&E and social impact; to help those doing good do more of it; for some 15 years. From policy board rooms, to Tech start-ups, to grass roots NGOs working in the face of the world’s most abject challenges; Angela is focused on conducting relevant and meaningful M&E: fit for purpose, realistic, and useful for stakeholders creating positive change.
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