Blog Posts

Means of Verification: What it is and how to use it


In the last article we anticipated that the means of verification would help us to measure the effective fulfillment of the indicators. If you remember, we wanted to know whether the teachers who had participated in the training had indeed increased their knowledge. What are the means of verification used …

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Results Indicators: What they are and how to use them

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Results indicators define essential characteristics of the outcome-based objectives of the project (an outcome-based objective, also known as result, is a statement of the effect that a project has on the community). These characteristics ensure that the project’s outcome-based objectives are “S.M.A.R.T.” (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound). Results indicators …

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Most Significant Change: What it is and how to use it

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The Most Significant Change (MSC) tool is a qualitative participatory monitoring and evaluation technique. Normally when we think of project evaluation, we think in terms of measuring the achievement of indicators that are expressed through numbers and percentages. For example, it is typical to read in an evaluation that “40% …

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What is the logical framework approach?

In the field of international development, specific methods and approaches are used to plan a cooperation intervention. Many of them have been developed for the particular needs of donors. In this article, we briefly present the most widely used results-based approach: the logical framework approach. Where is the “logic”? The …

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The 4 phases of the project cycle

Professional project management is a cyclical activity. Running a project efficiently and effectively is commonly called “Project Cycle Management” or PCM. Planning, implementation and monitoring as well as reviews and evaluations are always based on the results framework described in the Logical Framework Matrix. The Project Cycle Management is the …

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10 sustainable development courses you can audit for free

How does the world meet the resource needs of the present without using up all the resources? People living now have needs, but they also have a responsibility to future generations who need to survive and thrive. That’s the balance that sustainable development seeks to address. It applies to agriculture, …

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Data Visualization and its role in M&E

Monitoring and evaluation is all about using evidence to guide practice. Data Visualization is the process of putting your data into charts and pictures which provide information about what the data is showing. Doing this well is the difference between telling a high-impact story that your audience will remember and …

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The 6 Steps of Outcomes Harvesting

Step 1: Design The first key step is to ‘Design the harvest’. What this means is that the team is effectively developing the key research questions. In outcomes harvesting, this process takes careful account of the users in the conversation and their expectations and perspectives, as well as their needs. …

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