Most international development programs involve one or more surveys – whether it’s baseline surveys, endline surveys, needs assessment surveys, or feedback forms from participants. This guide explains how to write clear, concise survey questions that will collect accurate data. The inspiration for many of these tips comes from The Survey Research Handbook by Pamela Alreck and Robert Settle. …
Read More »Piroska Bisits Bullen
Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework template
Note: An M&E framework can also be called an evaluation matrix. Please note this article is a short introduction. For a more in-depth coverage consider enrolling in our 1 hour eLearning module. As with most things in international development, there is no standard definition of a Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) …
Read More »Research report template
A research report describes the results of a survey, interviews, focus groups or any other type of qualitative or quantitative research. Even if they aren’t necessarily “researchers”, most international development practitioners will still need to write a basic research report at some point in their career. Either for a baseline or endline …
Read More »7 things you can do to help stop per diem abuse
A per diem (Latin for “per day”) is a payment made to cover travel related expenses, such as accommodation, transport and meals, for employees and program participants. Because collecting receipts can be time consuming (or sometimes impossible in the case of tuk tuk drivers or market food stalls), per diems are …
Read More »Logical framework (logframe) template
A logical framework matrix (or logframe) is the output of a program design process where you work out how the program activities will lead to the immediate outputs, and how these will lead to the outcomes and goal. In an ideal world, a logframe should be flexible and updated frequently. …
Read More »What does “monitoring” actually mean?
A friend of mine was recently assigned to “monitor” a pilot project implemented by a local NGO. The only problem was that no-one had told her exactly what monitoring meant. Would it mean she just had to check off that the staff had implemented the activities on the work plan? …
Read More »Theory of Change vs Logical Framework – what’s the difference?
Over the last few decades there has been an ongoing debate in the international development community about the best way to describe how programs lead to results. One approach has been to use a Logical Framework (also called a LogFrame), which most donors now require. Another increasingly popular approach is …
Read More »Creating theories of change with the Theory of Change Online (TOCO) Software
A Theory of Change describes how and why you think change happens. In simple terms, it’s like completing the sentence “if we do X then Y will change because…”. This is particularly important in international development because people often have underlying assumptions or beliefs about change that may not be accurate. …
Read More »Using the Bristol stool scale to measure diarrhea
According to the WHO, diarrhea is “the passage of three or more loose or liquid stools per day, or more frequently than is normal for the individual”. Diarrhea is often a symptom of a gastrointestinal infection which can be caused by bacteria, virus or parasite. It can also be a …
Read More »Work plan template
Work plans (often shown as Gantt charts) show all the tasks involved in a project, who is responsible for each task, and when the tasks will be completed. Donors normally require you to submit a work plan as part of a proposal. Once your project has started the work plan …
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